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Old 07-01-2010, 11:00 AM   #10 (permalink)
The road not so traveled
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The Truck - '99 Nissan Frontier xe
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The Ugly Duck - '84 Jeep CJ7 Rock crawler
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The one rearending I got, was shortly after a light, traffic had just gotten back up to speed @45mph, when the car in front of the car in front of me braked hard to make a left.

The car in front of me had to brake hard in order to avoid rearending the car in front of him. When I hit my brakes I also looked in my rear veiw mirror, the car behind me was well far enough back that he could stop easily, so I continued just avoiding the person in front of me. I came to a near stop (the cars in front of me were still moving slowly) about 10 feet from the guy in front of me, they began to speed up so as I was moving my foot from the brake to the gas I hear a squeek just before the impact. Approx 30-40mph impact, wasn't fun.

The only way I would have known what was if I had focused my attention on the rearview mirror, in which case I would have not been paying as much attention to what was going on in front of me.

I have been able to avoid a few rear-endings by paying attention, one the person was riding my tail, If I stopped for the light that had just changed they would have hit me, so I ran it, so did they.

Another one I saw a car coming up fast when I was stopping at the stop light, I pulled up into the cross walk instead of behind the line to give them extra room, missed by about a foot.
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