^Reminds me of a close call I had recently... I was at the head of a whole column of vehicles at a stop light... it goes green and we're off... go over a bridge and the single lane turns into double... I head for the right lane... and
everyone else proceeds to put the hammer down and blast past me like I'm standing still.

So the new guy in front signals for a left turn and has to wait for oncoming traffic. The next guy, I'm 99% sure, was on a cell phone and didn't realize what guy #1 was doing until the last second. #2 slams the binders on and might have been able to just miss rear-ending #1 were it not for the column of 4 or 5 others that were ALL tailgating + speeding behind him. It was just like a row of dominos, the way they all piled into each other. I was right there, all by myself, in the right lane watching all this unfold inches to my left.
Can't say I felt sorry for anyone... chalk one up for schaudenfreude!