The car's software has a number of quirks that come together to make it hard to use the energy in the battery without being a bit of a leadfoot. I can get a small boost in mpg, but it's at the expense of an unjustified amount of electricity. Therefore, I've only been charging once a week or so, whenever my SoC gets low.
I finished assembling my MIMA_L + FAS board today, and I'll install it tomorrow and see what it can do. It doesn't give manual control of regen; just assist. If it can also turn off the "zero bars" of background charging, it may be all I need for a few mpg (or a few mph) bump, and a boost to drivability.
I've done signal wires in white, power in red, and ground in black. There's a few cold shuts, and I think I need a new tip after just one board, but all in all, I'm happy.
That's my joystick potentiometer on the left. How am I meant to mount that? The four posts at the corners don't line up with the holes in a PCB.
Originally Posted by jamesqf
As for why I don't put it on, first I have to find a salvage place that has one, and will ship it for a reasonable price.
Unfortunately, the salvage availablility of Insight hoods is nil. That's why I was thinking about making my own carbon fiber hood, instead of trying to take the dents and creases out of my silver hood. Of course, that would require that I have a straight hood to use as a mold.