Originally Posted by robchalmers
sorry don't get me I love the logan purely for it work-horse nature. I love basic, simple, easy to work on cars (hence my polo d) and the Logan is I think the best modern car if you still need to repair it in the middle of a field, in winter, in a storm, in the dark.
Is it true that the older renault 9 dacias only needed a 13mm spanner, a 17mm, a X-head screw driver, a plug spanner and hammer as a tool kit?
it was actually the Renault 12 based Dacia 1300/1310, not Renault 9 . Renault 9 was more modern but I guess the R 12 was quite sturdy.
My father had a couple of grew up and I have to say they were very sturdy, especially the earlier models (early 70's). You could possibly repair it with those tools but the engine was quite reliable and although I remember my father tinkering on it from time to time, it was mostly easy repairs as a matter of fact I can say that most people in those days in Romania used to do all the repairs themselves.
Dacia 1300/1310 was practically the ONLY sedan(very few Lada's, Oltcit's and some Trabant's) it was not only the family car but also ambulance, police car, officials tricked out ones etc. , so it was a matter of time until most drivers with a bit of technical inclination knew how to fix it, I remember helping him sometimes and learning some useful stuff which I use even today, I only go to a garage for some serious engine faults that I don't have the tools/information about to fix. It's so much easier nowadays with internet, back then it was just word of mouth.

One car that was even more notoriously easy to fix was definitely the Trabant with it's 18HP, two stroke, two cylinder engines . Kind of eco-bombs nightmares though, I would think.