How about a Race???
More like a rally really............
I was thinking after watching the X prize footage etc, punding round a track is all well and good but what about a sense of real world adventure?
How about an ECO-cannonball - New York to San Fran for example or London to Porto. At the speed lmit. but on the least fuel/energy
A datum car would set a boogie time for a given sector, so that if someone particularly slo in order to save fuel that could be judged and get a MPG Penality.
Each Car would have to have a fixed camera(to monitor traffic) a GPS tracker (to monitor speed and distance) and a fuel cap lock / monitor
Manufacturers get the 'speed/exitement' element and 'normos' get to see that High Mpg's are restricted to apparently boring cars.....
whos up for it?
good things come to those who wait, sh*t turns up pretty much instantly