What would the US do if we were in the same situation as we were in WW2?
Now add to that scenario one additional issue hypothetically. We did not have enough oil to drive our wartime economy or our military.
My purpose is presenting this scenario is to try to get people to think beyond their individual agendas.
We are at war, but this time it is much more subtle, and its primarily economically driven.
What we need to do, is to spend research funding to assist EVERY potential technological pathway to increased efficiency.
I see the support for all electric as potentially beneficial, but I also see ignorance of other alternative pathways as very shortsighted.
Hypermilers do more with less, and the tactics of driving for economy are available to every drive on the planet. The incentive is greater in other countries because the energy cost is significantly higher.
My Patent demonstrates a method of improving fuel economy in ANY vehicle with wheels.
It cares not how you create the power to drive the vehicle, only about your tank to wheel efficiency. The Patent was conceived on one basic assumption, that you can incorporate hypermiling techniques into the vehicle itself, and remove operator involvement from the equation.
I don't know about the rest of you, as to how successful you have been in converting others to efficient driving techniques, but personally I find the ignorance astounding and the attitude that I am some kind of obsessed, semi nutcase, because I focus on efficiency.
One of my acquaintances has driven 100 miles a day to work and back, averaging 20 MPG in a truck. Had he driven a very economical car for the last 28 years he has made that commute, he could have well over $250,000 in the bank today if the savings had been wisely invested, regardless of market fluctuations.
It is a shame that something like the X-prize contest and the media even propagate the fantasy that you can get 300 MPG in an electric vehicle. I find the dis ingenuity to be about on par with the water for gas snake oil pitch.
The problem is when you bombard people with so much misinformation, they would not know the truth when it was staring them in the face.
I use the analogy of Cassandra, the priestess of Troy who warned the Trojans about Greeks bearing gifts. Although blessed by the Gods with the gift of prophecy, she was cursed by the same Gods with the disbelief of her countrymen.
While that scenario may be fictional, the consequences are very similar to what we are facing today.
Like the Canary in the submarine that showed the crew when the oxygen content was approaching the terminal point, we must succeed in our objective. Otherwise we may not see our children suffer the consequences of our inaction.
It's not one or the other, electric or renew ables. It's not about fossil fuels or whatever alternative you feel is the future energy source we should employ.
Like the early pioneers who first extracted energy from what was available, where factories grew in areas where water power was available, we must adopt the same, conscientious effort to make everything more efficient as well as cleaner.
Politicising that priority will ensure our heirs will not even visit our graves.