Originally Posted by RobertSmalls
......It sounds to me like your Plymouth is running a weee bit rich.
I use an exhaust gas temperature guage on my SRT4 Neon and the 84 Horizon. This is a GREAT tuning tool and using it has saved me tons of melted parts from being too lean. At the finish line my Horizon is running right at 1490 degrees...which is the same as the SRT4 even though the SRT4 is boosted and runs over 30 mph more at the finish line. The wt of the SRT4 with me in it is 3045 lbs while the gutted out Horizon with me in it is 2000 lbs. The mpg difference is due to modern technology...and gear ratio. The Horizon WAS getting only 19 mpg until we changed to a beter set of gears. Both gear sets had come in the venerable Horizon/Omni line. The modern EPA gas mileage rating of the old 84 Horizon (CA model) with the 2.2 automatic is only 20 in town and 24 highway and it had a better gear ratio for te mpgs than I do.