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Old 07-12-2010, 12:36 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Part of this week I'm working on a cooling insert that will go on my seat back and seat bottom and will be covered by a slip-on seat cover. I have all the materials to make the inserts using tubing, plastic mesh screen, and string.

Once I get those made I'll have to figure out what fittings I will need for the manifolds. The 480gph pump I have right now does not like the restriction of pumping through a single length of 1/8" ID tubing, so I have to split the cooling loop into a parallel set of four length of tubing.

It takes quite a while for those ice pack to change the temperature of 5 gallons of water, so while they will lengthen the time it take for the water to reach ambient.

I will probably add a drain line off of the pump output so I can use the ambient temperature water to water the plants in my front yard. Then I can refill the cooler with ground temperature water.

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