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Old 07-13-2010, 01:08 PM   #7 (permalink)
1999 Honda Civic HX 5MT
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Originally Posted by RobertSmalls View Post
MPGuino is fine, once you get around to installing it. If LB works as it does in the VX and Insight engines, you'll see fuel injector pulsewidth rise suddenly as you fall out of lean burn, and I'd like to know how many mpg and mph that is. FWIW, it's 75mpg and 60-something mph in a stock Insight. I'm hoping your more powerful and less emissions-tight HX engine can do 50mpg or less before dropping out of its super-thrifty mode.
No wonder why either Scangague II and MPGuino can't measure accurately because Fuel Injector is variable depending on the RPM?

Which do you recommend that I buy, Scangague II with X-gauge or MPGuino? Or is there something else?
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