Originally Posted by bnmorgan
not sure if the definition was some sort of insult, but whatever floats your boat.
i don't really care about lift, i care about drag and what i can do to reduce it or use it to some kind of advantage. Seems to be the theme, with lots of why stuff won't work without a huge amount of how to make it work.
There are a few making some good suggestions, but the overall negative attitude is really useless. Good thing Tesla didn't give up on every "nahh, that'll never work"
Hermie is a kid who freaked out on lift. I think he's been educated now. But it sure was entertaining.
I've had several and still do have a Bug. I can wind it out as fast as it'll go and there is no way, no how that it is lifting to the point of rotation or even loss of control due to lift. Now, since so many of them are OLD, it is entirely possible to lose control due to worn chassis components.
If you want to pursue windshield lips be my guest. I'm just saying, I've tested them and they do
nothing. I'm sorry you don't like that result. Redo the test yourself and/or recruit 100 others to do it too. It'll still fail because the principle is bunk.
If cheering for the failed is what you want, there is a lot of that on HHO forums...