55 mpg at 55mph in 2001 Echo (no mods)
I am an owner of a 2001 toyota echo with no mods except scangauge. Its a 2 door with manual transmission and 95,000 miles on it. My Echo loves 45 mph in 5th gear, at that speed it only sipss about 0.59 gallons per hour giving me 60+ mpg.
At 55 mph I get somewhere between 52 to 56 mpg
At 65 mph I get between 40 to 45 mpg
Above 70 mpg the milage goes down to 34 mpg
If I turn on A/C subtract another 5 to 7 mpg from above numbers.
All of the above readings are on a flat ground with minimal wind and no passangers.
It is absolutly crazy how changes in elevation affect milage. Even on very small gradients (0.5%) the milage drops 10 mpg or more.
The most important aspect of high efficiency driving in my car is to maximize coasting time, if you have a manual transmission like me letting off the gas pedal shuts down fuel to the engine and boosts milage. Also try to get to the highest gear as quickly as possible, driving 45 mph in 4th gear gives me only 44 mpg while in 5th I get 60+
Good luck