Thanks a Ton Mr. Knox. And thanks for sticking to your guns in the Cinderella thread a few months back too, because of that, I've come to understand most of what I know as good aero science. You forced me into my own "Aha Moment" when I realized that by striving for utilizing the template by keeping it under the wheels, it makes it the most efficient shape for the subject size vehicle. I still firmly believe that attached flow is maintained if the template is used to analyze individual parts of the cars, but if the element being analyzed drops under that "under wheel main size template", it starts creating this unwanted lift drag that I've been blabbing about in this thread, and although it isn't as horrible as uncontrolled flow separation, it is not ideal. Duz that make any sense??
My suspicions are confirmed in my mind by most of the modern shapes of vehicles that are being produced these days. I think things have come a long ways in vehicle aero design in the last 5 - 7 years. The new Subarus in particular have me saying "Dayyyyyum!"

every time I see them.
So Again, 1000 Thanks!

You are The Man!!