Originally Posted by NachtRitter
I don't believe that is the case "in general" anymore... At least in the US, I don't believe Amtrak does the "direct dumping" anymore, and I think newer trains in the "more developed" parts of the world also have retention tanks.
However, I can't speak for every location / country...
True but think about it...how many people do you think travel by train in USA/EU compared to India lets say..I don't have any data but I could bet India is 2x more then those 2 combined
Originally Posted by Clev
Yeah, it's a bit of a misleading (and sensational) headline. Shipping vessels are fuel efficient for the load they carry. And since the EPA is creating a 'reduced emissions zone' around the US, where ships will need to clean themselves up to continue to deliver to the US, I fail to see the 'EPA hypocrisy.'
But hey, it got me to click on the thread, so I guess mission accomplished.
Unfortunately air/water do not kindly comply to being "zoned". I would say creating a reduced emissions zone is just treating the symptoms instead of the problem itself