Old Tele man -
Originally Posted by Old Tele man
...unfortunately, if Honda-marketing is anything like GM-marketing, they only cater to the 80-85% portion of the market these days...the other 15-20% are not 'worthy' of their interest.
...for instance, as the automatic transmission moved up to >80% popularity level, GM started making them standard equipment on some models and totally eliminated availabilty of a manual transmission.
...unfortunately, the "eco" movement hasn't reached the 80% level (yet).
I wish they would do a marketing study to see if Ecomodders like us would pay *more* for an Eco package. There's got to be a niche market for people like me that will pay for a CRZ "HF". I want the 6-speed tranny with a taller 6th gear and an even more agressive eco-fuelly mode. After all, the override to any eco-mode is always the accelerator pedal.