Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
From Wikipedia:
OK, I know that you can't compare freight and passenger efficiency, but as for people moving: 16.9 L/100p·km is not much better than single occupancy commuting in a Hummer....
Re: dumping A whale turd is a part of nature, and animals never congregate in groups too large for nature to handle. It's a different story when people put hundreds or thousands of chicken, swine or cattle under one roof, or when a huge cruise ship pulls into an alaskan bay and each and every one of the 4000 passengers flush a few times a day.

Interesting data...but for more honest comparison instead of a Hummer, let's say a 500 room Las Vegas hotel floating on the Atlantic carrying precious cargo of whales....(hey, I'm not talking about obese people....that's what they call high-rollers in Vegas.....Honest !!!
