In my case, I take the shorter route. It has more stop LIGHTS, but less stop SIGNS. Stop lights aren't always red. Stop SIGNS are ALWAYS red. Fuel economy is about the same for either route, so the shorter route saves fuel.
My longest route to work takes about the same time as the shorter routes, but gets the lowest MPG of the three. I've never used it since I figured out that fact.
Fuel economy is nice, but sometimes I just gotta put the spurs to my pony!
Originally Posted by thatguitarguy
Just 'cuz you can't do it, don't mean it can't be done...
Originally Posted by elhigh
The presence of traffic is the single most complicating factor of hypermiling. I know what I'm going to do, it's contending with whatever the hell all these other people are going to do that makes things hard.