I am a bit confused why the knee-jerk reactions to ~350mpg.
Using the Ecomodder cd/drag/mpg calculator:
Change the vehicle weight to 1000 lbs. Not unlikely when you look at the chopped and stripped opel. They even took all the glass out.
Set the Crr to .005 or .006 (those look like solid rubber forklift tires on the rear and surely they pumped the fronts up to 120 psi...
Drag of .4 or .45, doesn't really matter at low speeds.
Drivetrain efficiency goes up to .99 single gear chain drive has virtually no losses. Putting the rear tires together eliminates the need for a differential.
VOILA! you can go up to 15mph and still get 380 mpg!
If it was aerodynamic like the Ford Probe IV then you could even go up to 25 mph.
Why do folks say this is "impossible"? Practical, no. but impossible? hardly.