Originally Posted by AndrewJ
And every 100lbs of weight removed is allegedly good or a 1% gain in mileage, so you could potentially see a 5% gain with the tires, just on weight. That'd be around 0.6mpg.
If you could get some of those 235's that are low rolling resistance (LRR) then you'd really be reaping the MPGs. Probably another 1mpg there.
If they seem like kinda dinky gains to you, just remember this.
If you drive 15k miles/year now. that's 789 gallons of gas per year, at $3.25 you're spending $2565
If you gain one single measly mpg, then you use 750 gallons, saving $126.75 per year.
And that's if gas prices stay the same (they won't, it'll be MUCH higher before you know it)
True. Prices have gone up here $0.30 in about 5 days..
Stock the truck got around 20 mpg city, though back then I could fill up the whole tank for less than $20! I remember $1.25 gas I think in 2000, before I started driving..
alot of good information on this site, though I am confussed about this:
judging by a picture of my truck I have almost 20 degrees and the ideal is 12 like in this pic, so would just a tailgate spoiler fix this or is the whole bed cover needed?