I too live in Tucson. I've been thinking about a swamp cooler for the truck. Just take a room humidifier a small inverter and plug it into the cig lighter. Maybe we can get buy with less A/C in April/May and then Sept/Oct.
On my 94 Toyota PU I also drip water on the air filter. With a water drip on the air filter I stop the engine from Pinging when it gets above 95F. Just a small water bottle with drip irrigation hose into the top of the filter box.
One day I'll also convert to an electric fan instead of the belt driven fan.
I also have a solar power charger that sits on the dash. I have a switch that disconnects the field wires on the alternator. So when the truck sits at the airport for a couple of days I turn off the alternator for the drive to the airport since it will have time to bring the battery back to full.