Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
That reminds me of a joke: What kind of car can take a 12 inch curb at 45 mph? Someone else's.
What is the world's fastest production road car ?
Any hire car.
We have speed humps on our street and I'm happy with them otherwise we get the usual morons doing 50 in a 30 zone. We still get the occasional moron in a 4x4 doing the same. They are designed to brake springs at over 40 but be smooth at 20.
I match my speed to the hump design so about 20. As I crest the first one I pulse to the next one and arrive at about, or just under 20 and go over and repeat. If nobody is behind I can pulse and take two of them in one glide. If I'm being tailgated (X-5 driver usually) then I glide for more than two.
My real limitation for P&G in my street is parked cars and everyone else playing chicken passing them. I had this on Friday - a black cab no less deciding to pull out onto my side to pass a line of cars despite me coming the other way with my lights on. I think he expected me to go ont he pavement to let him past.
So it was time to stop, put the handbrake (aka parking brake) on and wait. After all he's paid by the mile behind the wheel, I'm on my way home from work