Using Magnets to increase milage
Last year I posted a thread about increasing milage using high powered magnets. I stated I would do a A-B-A test.
I am still getting 34-35 mpg with ethenol fuel. I did an A-B-A test. The milage stayed the same when I took off the magnets.
My conclusions are that the magnet conditions the fuel and the ECU senses the change and adjusts fuel delivery rate to compensate. As the magnets clean out the combustion chamber, it would take thousands of miles to return the carbon buildup and varnish to make the ECU return to orginal mode.
I believe the fuel we pump is stale and contaminated with particles from air and tank like leaving fuel in a lawnmower over the winter. I think the magnet restores the fuel to original form, expanding it, then the ECU senses it and reduces the fuel flow.