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Old 08-05-2010, 05:19 PM   #16 (permalink)
The PRC.
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Originally Posted by hondo434 View Post
Robchalmers, I know everyone makes fun of what they don't understand....
You will have to forgive the fun poking here as there have been a lot of claims about magnets. They give power, they improve FE, they make cars not designed for unleaded fuel suitable for use with it, they make cars fly, they make handling better, the cure arthritis, they cure colds - anything you can think of.

Usually these claims do not work so someone claiming they do arouses doubt and ridicule. Even if they earnestly believe them.

Originally Posted by hondo434 View Post
I could feel the extra torque immediately. The milage increased immediately. The car had a slight hesitation and I could feel the drivability improve. I installed magnets on both of my cars and they both increased from 28-29 mpg highway 36-38 highway immediatly the milage dropped a little when ethenol came out. That equates to almost 30 % change in milage.
An obvious question here is did the torque increase go away when you took the magnets off or is it still there ? If it is keep them off and see if it goes away.

I don't believe that the magnets got you your improvement either. If you did get an improvement in FE then maybe thats down to your improved technique which is reason for congratulation, so well done with the improvement. As Tesco (UK Supermarket) says - every little helps.

And if it did make the improvement then it has paid for itself then double-bubble as you have all the 100+ tips to go for too.
[I]So long and thanks for all the fish.[/I]
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