Laser Range Finder :
To determine distance to the next car, forward and aft.
1. Cruise control can calculate weight of vehicle passengers and cargo. Then using that information (mostly pre programed) can determine the distance the vehicle can move, before hitting obstacles. This can be done in active or passive mode.
2. Using this feature, the cruise control can automatically engage ECO, Disengage ECO & provide amateurs with distance to brake* data.
3. Using distance to brake* data & the range to the vehicle in front of you (Such as a stop light) the cruise control will let you know the distance your car can coast.
Example 1:
Your coming up to a stop light, your HUD displays their is 400 feet before you meet the car in front of you, and if you coast now, you wont have to brake.
Example 2:
Using your cruise control your range finder sees no vehicles. So it starts EOC and continues to do so, until a vehicle or other sensor data tells it to stop.
*Distance to brake
This feature calculates the weight of the vehicle and speed. Then gives you an idea of how far you can coast.