Originally Posted by dcb
I forget, has anyone tried something like this for ISO? I briefly tried once and failed.

Um, yes, tried it during the last few days, actually ended up using an LM339 comparator-IC for the level-shifting.
On different note: Seeing that you also own a Mk4 VW-Golf - does your arduino work using the ISO9141 protocol? Because mine does not seem to complete the init-sequence.
I used the following interface hooked up to my arduino on a breadboard:
Maybe i already found the mistake: R7 was missing from my test-setup, although the pulses somehow arrived at the RXD pin on the arduino, maybe some internal pullup?
edit: actually, no, that didn't change a thing. Added R7 and eliminated R5, still init failing.
What i saw using my scope was this: 5 baud init sequence sending 0x33 - sync byte reply from the ECU (0x55) and then the obduino seemed to even send something back, which must have been the complement to 0xff.
But then the obduino went into an endless re-initialization loop.
Can anyone give me a tip?
BTW, i used the trunk code, it says v165 on the LCD.