Cfg Bud...There is a "More Information" page on the website. He is not real clear on some things, but, he is clear on the Re. Check it out yourself. 250,000 is not a number I think he'd agree was useful. 250,000 may indeed be the Re for real life calculations (and to be honest, I have no idea how I'd use it)
I was going to say that your model size was too big to see what was happening, and to prove my point I made 3 movies using 3 images with different sizes, and it looks like relative size isn’t that important.
Only real difference is how much wake you see to study.
See these:
Your 40 second image seems like a long time, if you set the dt to equal .02, it is like a .01dt but in half the time. The dt is simply a function of like film speed, it does not effect the flow, it just speeds things up so the steady state flow image is arrived at sooner. I have found dt = .02 and 10 second image time to be more than enough without taxing the resource too much. (and you get the movie back much quicker)
I use a 840 X 420 image size, it makes the cars look smoother. This I think makes the computation run longer, so it may be my way of Bogarting the resource by having a picture that is too large.