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Old 04-10-2008, 02:51 AM   #19 (permalink)
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hvatum -

This is your first post?!?!?!?

Originally Posted by hvatum View Post

I see far too much "feel good" focus on windmills and solar panels, and not enough consideration of the actual environmental impact. Also despite all the talk we're building 39 coal plants right now in America, Germany is building 4...

PS. Nuclear waste disposal, reactor safety are no longer technical issues, they're just political issues. France has no problems with it, we're just shackled politically by the psychological fallout from Chernobyl.
Isn't Germany building 4 because of it's massive Solar program? :

Germany Embraces the Sun - 07.09.01
FREIBURG, Germany -- Germany is not necessarily known as the sunniest spot in Europe. But nowhere else do so many people climb on their roofs to install solar panels.

Since the introduction of the Renewable Energies Laws (EEG) in April last year, Germany has been experiencing a remarkable boom in solar energy.

"When my cab driver gives me a lecture about solar technologies, I know I am back home," raved Rian van Staden, executive director of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) about Freiburg, the sunniest city in Germany and host to the InterSolar conference July 6-8.

The little university town in southwest Germany, about 40 miles away from the French and Swiss borders, is Germany's "Solar Valley."
It would make convenient sense that we're building coal because we have huge reserves (Carter said this in the late 1970's).

I don't believe you on the nuclear waste disposal issue.


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