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Old 08-11-2010, 01:00 PM   #557 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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ISO Reinit, ECU state and Alarm is not working well

After OBDuino32K is not reinitng ISO by default - i uncomented
#define useECUState
#define do_ISO_Reinit
#define carAlarmScreen
(it's not possible to skip last one - why?)

But now it's probably the same
After i turn car off - LCD stays on, but nothing is changing.
I left it for 10min - nothing happens.

The most strange thing happens then turn key to power up ECU, just before starting engine Obduino32K says - "TRIP SAVED" and shows "OBduino security" for a second.

After that it starts showing PIDs (no difference if engine is started or not).

Does anybody has newer version? why this such intresting project is not evolving anymore?
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