...tongue-in-cheek statement: Drivers Licenses should be "graduated" sorta like this:
1) STRIAGHT roads only.
2) RIGHT-HAND turn roads
3) LEFT-HAND turn roads
4) INCLINED roads
5) DECLINED (pun intended) roads
6) "S"-TURN roads
7) CLOVER-LEAF on-ramps
8) FREEWAYS (>45 mph) roads
9) BUMPER-TO-BUMPER traffic (manditory in California)
10) BUMPER-TO-BUMPER traffic in HOT weather (manditory in Sunbelt States)
11) INCLEMENT weather (sand)
12) INCLEMENT weather (snow)
13) INCLEMENT weather (rain)
14) INCLEMENT weather (wind)
15) DRIVING without TRAINING wheels
16) PUT THE CELL PHONE DOWN before you drive
17) APPLYING THE BRAKES, part I (normal conditions)
18) APPLYING THE BRAKES, part II (abnormal conditions)
19) APPLYING THE BRAKES, part III (panic situations)
20) RELEASING PARKING BRAKE before driving