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Old 08-12-2010, 12:09 PM   #29 (permalink)
Hypermiling rookie
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Limassol , CY
Posts: 288

Opel Corsa B - '96 Opel Corsa 1.2 8V
90 day: 47.27 mpg (US)

VW Bora 1.6 16V - '02 Volkswagen Bora/Jetta
90 day: 35.84 mpg (US)
Thanks: 17
Thanked 36 Times in 21 Posts
Ok, I want to ask you guys something, don't want to open a new topic on that. This small car of mine takes 3.8 liters of oil (~1 gallon) Normally I would fill up to the max but not it's just below, on the starting point between Max and 1.0L ( it goes like MIN-1.0L-MAX)
I've read opinions here about it being better to put less oil...Another aspect I want to discuss about is the condensation and consequent water in oil which is definitely not good for the engine and for the oil itself shortening its life.

So what I'm thinking, by using less oil > the oil should heat up faster > take less time to evaporate the water that might be in the oil. Is that reasoning right ? Please correct me if not.
The thing is I have a shortish commute now...6-7 miles and even though it's very hot in Cyprus most of the time, I don't think the oil gets to "water evaporation" temperature.
By the way, the engine being small, it does get hot quickly (85-90) but the fan rarely kicks on, just the times when the traffic gets stuck. My only long drive nowadays is going shopping once a week to a supermarket 8-10 miles away and the occasional trip around the island once in a blue moon

So, what do you think ? I would like to test the oil maybe sometimes to see if my 5-6000Km oil changing routine is too soon or too late (I've been using semi-synthetic Mobil 1 10W-40) but here in Cyprus I wouldn't even know how to explain to somebody at the garage how to get that. Last time I asked for directions to get to a clinical laboratory for some tests they've sent me to a barber's shop (I don't speak Greek)

"It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste" Henry Ford

Last edited by Laurentiu; 08-12-2010 at 01:35 PM..
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