ok, I can take a hint.... what range has been or is possible in the metro w/ lead batt.s? again on the budget thing, batteries aren't really included in that. I mean I have $1500 from selling my Saturn last week, and another $1000 saved for this project.... can I just get 4-8 batteries rgiht now and add more later? Yes i do believe this will affect my "range" goals, but it should just be temporary.but then i wouldn't have the total volts i'd like....son of a *****. you know they have the technology above and beyond Lithium batteries but the lobbyists of the oil company got a strong and tight lid on it? true story. I have yet to decide what voltage i want to run and for that matter what i CAN run. this week I'm gonna go out and hunt down some lifts (will those 'scissor lifts' work?) I'm gonna take some pics and see what, if anything, i can find.
how well do the home built controllers work? i mean are they as 'efficient' as Curtis 1231's? Can I build it to whatever voltage i need?