Originally Posted by cfg83
If anything this shows how far from practical solar technology is, it needs to have a 43 cent per KWH subsidy to make it competitive(!). The pricing structure also means consumers simply have it added to their electricity bill. Instead of the subsidy coming out of a government budget every consumer and industrial user is paying inflated electricity bills.
Also that still doesn't solve the intermittentcy problem. Germany has become so anti-nuclear that they will jump through hoops, import nuclear power from France, import it from the Czech republic, saturate the entire landscape with windmills just to avoid building a reactor.
Originally Posted by cfg83
It would make convenient sense that we're building coal because we have huge reserves (Carter said this in the late 1970's).
Oh we do, so does Germany. It makes perfect economic sense, sadly it doesn't make environmental sense.
Originally Posted by cfg83
I don't believe you on the nuclear waste disposal issue.
That's fine, feel free to research it yourself. I'm not asking you to take my word for it.