Originally Posted by aerohead
When I look at the view from behind I get the sense that where the top and sides meet at the back of the extension,that it could be narrower,and I'm basing that on what I can see of the 'tumblehome' of the Matrix.It's amount that the sides of the car tumble in at the top toward the center of the car.
A view from the top would be helpful but I realize it was late and had run out of natural light.By the way,I like your light stand!
If the transition onto the extension is sharp,as Darin has mentioned,you may see some separation although I don't think the air would travel far before re-attachment.
Compound curves rule the roost but are also the most energy intensive to fabricate.
I can't help with coroplast techniques,I haven't worked with it yet so I'm useless to you there. 
I think what Aerohead is saying is correct. I built a
SedanKamm for my car, and it worked great. It was 4' long, and was good for 6% increase in FE. My departure angle was steeper than yours, and I did some coast down testing, and had attached flow all the way back. I pulled mine in on the sides to the max extent possible (with the shape of my car), and had no problems. I would suggest that you make sure you can still see the horizon out of your rear view mirror. Most states only require you to be able to see 200' straight back, but I found that to be more or less useless.