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Old 08-14-2010, 02:45 PM   #190 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by miket View Post
how about we use that suction energy thats going to pumping losses to run hybrid laminar flow control like boing is doing on the tail of the 787-9.

787 - tail wagging the dog
Laminar flow would be a setback to us if you're discussing boundary layer as would be addressed with a wing section.
The wing has no separation issues and it's drag is governed by skin-friction,something a laminar boundary layer would help.
Cars have separation issues,there drag is predominately pressure-drag which benefits from a turbulent boundary layer,and if we had a laminar boundary layer we see even higher drag.
It is true,that if we could provide enough suction near the back of a car,it's profile could be steeper,without separation,but so far,the energy required to provide the suction exceeds the energy saved,not true for the suctioned wing which can withstand departure angles as high as 40-degrees as with the experimental Gottingen suction-slot/flap wing.
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