If I had to use an ICE I would use a small diesel front drive unit in a reverse trike or a mid engine to a motorbike rear end depending on if I want to bother with a passenger seat or two.
With a single seater I would be tempted to use the fuselage from a glider if I could find one.
But apart from the little detail of an ICE here is what I am building in my basement workshop.
I am scratch building a single seat reverse trike but electric. The aim is to keep below 350kg plus driver and batteries.
I want to use it for my 30 mile each way commute where I am on my own with just a soft bag or two.
I have a thread here:
I want to build a trike! - DIY Electric Car Forums
The initial design idea was front motor rear drive like this:
It developed a bit to this:

The front wheels are too small, they are just stand ins.
Now I have a BMW K100 rear end I have moved the motor to the mid position. It gives luggage space and allows a Kammback to develop from the back of the cockpit. I will be keeping the big fat rear tyre from the earlier photos and fitting it to an MGA 15" wire wheel with centre lock nut adaptd to teh K100 final drive.
Taking a leaf out the Blastolene cars, the Boss Hogg and the Napier Railton I am using a 12" motor!
The motor isn't just for the sake of it, or because I can (ok, it is) but it is also such a big lazy easy spinning motor that brings the CoG very low down.
Using my 9" motor in the same place means that my personal CoG has a bigger effect higher up in such a light vehicle. (Does that justify it?

Anyway, for the benefit of this thread it is a bit of 'putting my money where my mouth is' as I do keep saying that an electric single seat reverse trike is the best solution for me.
I just hope I can afford to finish it.