Cant really argue with that concept - but I still think Ethanol at best is the "clean coal" of the "green fuels"
essentially you are burning the fossil fuels of tomorrow today and calling it renewable - all energy sources have their costs associated with them and with ethanol the cost is pretty high in terms of the environment - not as high as fossil fuels....but between the fertilizers, water usage, transportation of materials and the exhaust - it is hurting us more than helping in my opinion.
If we were using the waste associated with farming/forestry/agriculture rather than actively growing a crop with the intention of turning that into fuel then I would be more supportive - but then again I think you get methanol that way not ethanol (which has an even lower energy density but is much better for the environment - much worse for cars in terms of energy density and galvanic corrosion)
Hmmm...wonder how far OT we can go....sorry I suspect that my fault...I dont know how to get ethanol out of a fuel mix. There back OT.