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Old 04-11-2008, 12:11 AM   #44 (permalink)
Pickup Driver *gasp!*
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Charlie - '97 Chevrolet 1500 Pickup W/T
90 day: 24.14 mpg (US)
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Originally Posted by Chris D. View Post
I just read about some stuff on the internet in reguards to fiberglass and went for it, hit or miss its a win win learning situation.

try chopping that canopy up in a fastback style setup.
Bondo has started something thats quite good..

aero shells for trucks..
the stuff with the Tundra and F150 are his, the rest is just sorta thrown in there..
True that. Even if it turns out bad, the next attempt would surely look better. You've got the idea of making a tonneau stuck in my head. The only thing is, getting two jobs for the summer would certainly help pay for school next year without going into debt. I wouldn't get this done with two jobs. Hmm... debt-free, or tonneau? that is the question. How many man-hours did you put into that?

Yea, Bondo sure does have something goin on there. That fast-back look is pretty cool For me to try to mod the actual canopy I got, well that would be a long stretch... two reasons. One, with my lack of experience, I'd rather experiment with other projects before I attacked something that is perfectly fine (don't fix what ain't broke!), so that would be years away. Two, if I eventually get around to making a tonneau, it would be nice to have a canopy to put back on the truck if I needed to move alot of stuff that needs to be protected.

That "ute" you had, I like that... nice rims too. They should sell those in north america. They would probably have a rough start, but they'd eventually catch on, I think. What made you go for the tacoma?
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