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Old 08-22-2010, 02:21 PM   #74 (permalink)
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I wasn't really going off on a tangent.

Look at the statistics for European deer territorry : Sweden, Norway, Finland.

They don't need to drive huge tanks to survive the deer.
I couldn't find any statistics in your link pertaining to deer collisions. Your suggestion that the Northern countries are "deer territory" doesn't prove anything, as there are also deer in France, Germany, etc.. It's like assuming you are more likely to hit a deer in Maine than in Pennsylvania: it ain't necessarily so. Does the person who collides with a deer in Pennsylvania say "I'm glad I don't live in Maine, because it would be worse"? I don't think so.

Causality and correlation are not the same thing. You are drawing conclusions from statistics, but there is no direct connection.

And yes, this thread is about deer collisions, so the other talking points are tangential.
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