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Old 08-22-2010, 09:54 PM   #2 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Illinois
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1) You'll definitely need some sort of rigid material to supplement the PVC and the plastic. Coroplast would be a good idea when making an underbody cover, and good for creating that wing profile you want.
2) Attaching the plastic to PVC pipes would be pretty easy. Duct tape/packing tape the plastic to the frame, use zip ties and punched holes to attach the panels to the pipes and tension the plastic.
3) An alternator delete, cooling fan delete (possibly replaced with a squirrel fan) and suspension lowering would have more impact on the MPG than the just altering the Cd.
4) The front area could be aeromodded like an old NASCAR "superbird", that is the grille block/frontal area is extended and tapered/streamlined.
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