You are correct, the paktrakr will only monitor each of the 8 6v batteries, but it will tell me if any of those 8 batteries is falling behind, or doing other weird stuff, it should also allow me to make sure that as I reach the end of my range, that I don't over discharge any of the batteries, it's really easy to charge individual 6v batteries, so I'm hoping that by doing that I can get them to last longer.
My town is about 15,000 people + 8,000 collage students.
The biggest problem I can see so far is that to get home I have to travel up hill, half a mile at 15-20mph, compare that to my normal cruising speed of 30+mph, this is where it would be nice to have regenitive braking, because as I head in to town I have to ride the brakes to keep it under 35mph going down hill (25mph speed limit), I also talked to an industrial design student who wants to design a wood body for my CitiCar as a school project, he wanted to design a body for his electric bicycle, but thinks the CitiCar idea is more practical.
LED's should show up today as well, hoping to get time to change the rear axle oil that should be done once a year.... I doubt it's ever been done.