I checked out their blog. It looks like they're driving two iMievs and one RV cross country, and stopping at Mitsubishi dealerships along the way. Darin, do you happen to have TWO dryer outlets to offer them?
Canada's an awfully big country to cross in an EV. It'll take about 50 recharges if they get 120km per charge. That would be 50 days with a 110V * 15A charger - a time that is approachable by a cyclist. They'd better not be charging it off the RV, which would be cheating.
I'd like to know how fast they're driving the cars. Lower speeds mean going farther between charges, so they'd probably make better time that way.
In three days, they drove 1000km from Halifax to Quebec. That's 8 or 9 charges.
Btw, if you do get to take that photo, you might be surprised to find the Forkenswift is bigger than the iMiev.