I'm curious what difference would changing the gears make!
We'll probably mod another 250 twin (a Hyosung GV250) this way, I'll definitely report on the results (no log here yet(?), I'm already tired of the redundancy keeping log of 2 bikes at 2 places and one here).
It seems it's possible to achieve 100mpg with that setup:
Of course "possible" and "consistently doable" are 2 different things: I've almost done it with my 650cc single, but I still happy for every 90+mpgUS tank, and I get many sub-80mpg tanks too depending on the circumstances (freeways, cold weather and head/sidewind are worst enemies of my FE (strong wind being the worst as I moderate my speed at freeways but I can't moderate wind), short trips don't help either; plus I ride pretty much 2-up for several hundred kms at once, that counts too) - but in that topic you can see definite, steady improvement, I don't know though that how much of this improvement is because of the mods and how much is because of hypermiling.
My log is an example of mere hypermiling as I can't change Teresa's gearing (but it may not be beneficial/practical to begin with).