Originally Posted by johnpr
i have a mountain bike also, but then again since i bought it i have done more offroad riding then i have on road... now i am making it street friendly, i put narrower (1.75" wide compared to 2.5") tires on it, i have debated on using actual 26" roadbike tires but i dont think i want to do that (i carry alot of gear and dont want to take a trailer everywhere with me although i am probably underestimating the loadbearing capacity of those narrow tires) .
my biggest reason for not getting a regular road bike is that i cant get as comfortable on them (i had a peugot race bike once and i loved the speed and ease of riding just was not in a comfortable position) o well. i have 3 unused bikes downstairs and this month i am going to work on building a recumbent trike, i have a suspension bike down there also so i am planning on putting the rear suspension on there. i am looking forward to that project.
thanks for pulling the thread back on track 
That's when it's nice to have two bikes... road bike for street rides, mountain bike for off roading. I hadn't thought of the weight issue... I wonder if that would be an issue. I think one of those hybrid style bikes would be sweet for my purposes actually. lightweight, skinny frame, smooth tires that could hold some weight, but you sit on them like a mountain bike. good luck on making your recumbent trike! you know, I never knew they were called recumbents till now... Are ya gonna do a daily photo log or diary type thing on the forums here?
Originally Posted by trebuchet03
If you're going to put a lot of miles down, think of it as an investment. Well engineered frames and components ride so much better. That 'bent was my first frame without 20+ year old components - that will teach you to appreciate the good stuff  Of course, if it gets stolen  that just totally sucks :/
I'll tell you one thing, some of those 'bents I would not ride to commute. Maybe at the velodrome or through the river valley trails we have in edmonton... but alot of drivers just wouldn't see you. How is it riding those ones that you sit really high up like this one you posted?
Peakster, that's a good idea about making a log entry for my bike... how would I do that? just convert any money I spend on it to gallons using that day's price of fuel? And I have that same phobia too! We dont mind spending potentially thousands of dollars on a vehicle, yet I am afraid to invest into a 2nd bike. I was at Canadian Tire the other day, and there's this cool hybrid bike there for $350. The only thing is that the bike I have now works fine... i just want something better, but I can't justify it financially since I already have a bike! If my bike got stolen like yours did... well that would be a different story.
And don't worry, you're not the only one that analyzes and calculates costs. My roommates sometimes get annoyed with me if I try to tell them how they could save money...