Picture Time:
Money Not well spent, but I'm in love. Green LED Dome light, and puddle lights.
Lost a low beam, got new headlights. Not eco, but now they are white.
Bought a Toaster:
Made it Naked:
Screwed Around with mirrors, which was a terrible fail:
Inhaled some nasty fumes, god damn terrible human nature go ask "I wonder how bad this really smells?". This little bottle has abs plastic mixed with Acetone, Makes a good putty, but not feasible for large parts.
Installed a Vacuum/Boost Gauge for my Non-Turbo. Couldn't find a good deal on a vacuum gauge, so a vacuum/boost @ $25 will do just fine.
Building a lame pod, but none the less played with melting ABS and using the ABS Putty:
End product: