Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
I'm using DesignSpark. Does anyone want to walk me through the "make the gerber files with the right settings" steps?
Hey Paul,
I haven't tried to make gerbers yet using DesignSpark, but I quickly looked it over.
In the PCB editor, select Outputs, then Manufacturing Plots. The output plot for each layer should be "Gerber". Check off the "Plot" layers you want to make gerbers for. Under "Device Setup" select RS-274-X, a 2,3 or 2,4 format works good. And you can adjust the scale of the "Plot Area" if you want to fit your PCB. I would recommend under "Position" for each layer, select "Center Plot". If you turn on "Plot Preview" on the lower right it will show you what you are plotting and it's position. Then finally select "Auto-Gen Plots" to make all the files.
You also use this same process to make PDF files, just select "Output", "PDF".
I would recommend to use DesignSpark on Twitter for any other questions:
DesignSpark (DesignSparkRS) on Twitter
You can download a free gerber viewer "GC-Preview" to see what you have plotted too.
GC-Prevue Gerber Viewer | DesignSpark