Originally Posted by autoteach
I teach high school technology education in the areas of metals and automotives. I also tend to teach realism, acceptance, patience, politeness, and other lost arts of humanity. Some of these are lacking in many of the threads. If you would like to question the validity of my teaching degree or the magnitude of my brain power (and its possible battle for supremacy over room temperature), go ahead. I would suspect that this would be par for the course. I maybe should start it in another thread as "I am a teacher" to which many can tell me how that isn't possible, how I have mental handicaps, or how I must be a preschool teacher (as first graders appear to be more intelligent). I have no idea on whether I should leave this forum all together or stay so that there is a balance in this microcosm that is ecomodder.
This is the best / funniest thing I've ever read, and I've read some pretty great books! haha Thanks for lightening the mood, I appreciate it.
When all is said and done, I say just take what people say for what it's worth. When I receive positive feedback, it encourages me to continually strive for better results. When people doubt the factual material I present them, I smile and say to myself "everyone is entitled to their own opinion."
In this case, I completely understand how it might be hard to believe in my results. They were difficult to achieve and conditions may not present themselves to be so ideal again. The human variable in the equation is really the limiting factor in most vehicles. People may consider themselves great drivers, savvy hypermilers, but in reality somebody else can always do it better. If people can't duplicate what somebody else did.. their reaction is to say "it's impossible" or "highly unlikely." I accept this as human nature.
I can't jump 4 feet off the ground, but I still believe Mugsy Boughes @ 5'-3" did.
Perhaps my lack of contribution to this forum has lead some to believe I am not a significant part of the community. Well, that's because I work 3 jobs.. am in the process of designing / building a net-zero energy house in NY and have been working on design and theory for my boattail saab project. Guess I'm just usually too pre-occupied to post on forums. I prefer to post when something significant happens.
I'll be back when this is done, of course.