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Old 08-29-2010, 10:32 AM   #12 (permalink)
seeking aero mods
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: WA
Posts: 61
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I was thinking what Bam said and I bought some led lights to install in the boat tail. I was hoping to get away with what is there and to keep it cheap, but really it could be more expensive when I get a ticket or worse get rear ended........ I could just hear it now..... Officer, I couldn't see the brake lights!!!!!

I can't find any Coroplast at Home Depots or Lowes in the Kansas area. Does anyone know where to get some? I am headed to Georgia, then to Chicago. Maybe a alternative to it?

Also, I am trying to figure a way in my mind how to build the nosecone with the Pvc and Coroplast. I also saw some cool looking clear curved basement window covers. They look like they could work for a deflector.

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