The 2007 Yaris hatchbaack is at 52.18mpg 90 day average, 54.03mpg 3 tank average, and 48.94mpg life time average, in the time left before winter I hope to get to 50mpg [4.7L/100km] life time average.

The driving style is moderate hypermileing, keep highway speed at 57.5mph [92km/hr] cruise control, coast down long hills at idle; scanguage shows 0.4L/100km [587.5mpg]

, engine off at railway crossings... the mods are sheet metal under body, moon hubcaps, warm air intake, 10% underdrive aluminium pullies, tapered styrofoam peaces behinde obstructions under body, sheet metal upper grill blocker, driving light recess covered with foam, and part of the lower grill blocked. Am presently considering a better under body at the front and middle, kammback above the rear window, then a boat tail... I have done nothing to reduce weight, the Yaris weighs less than 1200kg [2640lbs]on the truck scales along the highway, with me and my groceries etc.