Test data for a few mods
Hi All,
I did a test on a bunch of mods I have done. I did the tests in one go expecting that it would be more efficient. Unfortunately looks like too many of the trips were influenced by the very few passing cars as the baseline tests are very variable.
The results do give a bit of an idea that the modifications appear to do something for efficiency however the levels of improvement aren't too reliable due to the high variation of the baseline tests
Either way the data is below if anyone is interested
So the test method was as follows
Drive on a freeway at 90 kph (56 mph) with cruise control on, going one direction then the reverse direction. At a defined location I turn on my fuel usage meter data logging and I turn it off at another defined location. I then make a change and repeat the run both east and west and end up at the start location. Keeping the engine running while im doing the change so that the engine stays warm.
The sequence of runs were
- Baseline standard configuration 1
- Turned the headlights to parkers (to see how much the electrical load affects efficiency)
- Tyres up to 45 PSI from 30 PSI on all other tests
- Baseline standard configuration 2
- Reattach my normally removed passenger side windscreen wiper
- turn the radio on which puts the antenna up in the air
- reattach both side mirrors
- Put flat wheel hub covers on
- Baseline standard configuration 3
Results are as follows
Numbers are in litters for the run
East West
Baseline 1 0.646073067 0.708983172
Head lights off 0.637612481 0.726116467
tyres 45 psi 0.646266763 0.710757363
baseline 2 0.656333128 0.722960581
wiper 0.659809485 0.726815202
antenna 0.660399757 0.732200836
mirrors 0.656161305 0.732990613
wheel cover 0.648702133 0.696455623
baseline 3 0.657330163 0.708763732
Processing this data I averaged the 3 baselines then got the percentage change, results are as follows
Baseline 1 -0.87%
Head lights off -0.32%
tyres 45 psi -0.73%
baseline 2 +0.89%
wiper +1.43%
antenna +1.85%
mirrors +1.58%
wheel cover -1.55%
baseline 3 -0.02%
So what can you get from this data.
- All of the mods work as expected, they do all improve efficiency.
- If you ever do tests, make sure you can’t see another car on the road if any cars get in front of you then stop the test and restart
So if I have enough time one night I may retry the tests, it did take about 5 hours so im not too keen to do it again too soon but maybe I’ll get bored one night.