Originally Posted by Christ
Not claiming such to you, but this is exactly what some members of my family say when they have exactly zero clue what they're talking about.
To them, it's always about lining someone's pocket. They seldom look at the full story behind why something happened.
The full story is some moron followed the letter of the law instead of the intent of the law thinking they were a big man resulting in a bogus fine.
Whomever pushed the issue forward should be drug out into the street and shot, some degree of common sense needs to be enforced on regulatory bodies and the many times idiotic individuals that populate them.
Generally regulatory groups rarely have people of proper background and experience in them, usually the individuals get a party line position granted them, making the groups unnecessarily bias;d The EPA still suffers from Bushisms and has not been completely cleared out of people with conflicts of interest, much like the FDA is full of drug company cronies.
Once again our government is trying to ban certain foods as prescription only and ban your abiity to grow food at home without a license. At some point laws have to be ignored and disobeyed when they are being pushed forth by individuals who apparently hate the common good.
Also this particular law is NOT uniformly enforced, some companies go decades without proper certifications and are conveniently overlooked, like most things, it depends more on who you are, not what you've done.
An example is Iowa, many small time farms, dairies etc get raided repeatedly for illegal immigrants working there but the largest food processors usually go for decades without being inspected. Obviously neither is right but why should the largest groups that break the law most blatantly be ignored before mom & pop?