Originally Posted by Weather Spotter
....I think that allowing a little extra air is a good thing.....
I have a Honda Insight, and as you know this little engine doesn't make allot of heat, summer or winter.
However, a trip to LaCross Wisconsin earlier this summer taxed the cooling system to the max.
I usually run the car with the lower grill block completely closed off except for a small patch in the middle. When getting ready for the trip to LaCross, I removed about 1/2 of the lower grill block in anticipation of the large hills in the area.
Over the last 20 miles or so, the terrain gets real steep and the ScanGauge indicated that the coolant got to 213°F on several of the larger hills, and this was after removing the other 1/2 of the grill block.
When I get a chance to make an adjustable grill block, I will ensure to allow fully closed to fully open capability for instances as above.